Burlöv is by far the smallest kommun in Skåne, at least in terms of hectares of land; the locals might very well retort that it’s among the largest in ambition, and they might have a point. With Malmö to the south (that city’s northern outskirts counting as much of its built environment) and Lomma to the north, one might say that Burlöv looks east to Staffanstorp for its sense of direction—though that might not be meant as a compliment.
A statistically unusual mixture of intensely developed areas and open agricultural land, Burlöv is probably best known to most outsiders as the place you pass through on the train between Malmö and Lund. Its biggest draw for outsiders is the shopping center which proudly bears its name, despite being located in the village of Arlöv… though its attraction lies very much in its adherence to a model of retail that has largely been abandoned elsewhere.