Stora Stranden (Ribersborg)

Ribban has space for pretty much every sort of beach-related activity you could imagine, from dog-friendly micro-dunes through boules and basketball courts to the inevitable grilling facilities.

Place names: they can be confusing! If you hear a Malmöite mention “Ribban”, they are probably referring to the long beach whose full name is Ribersborgstranden, though they might be referring more particularly to the stately and very popular kalbadshus at the eastern end of the beach, near to Västra Hamnen. But the beach is named for the road which runs along it, which in turn is named for the nearby neighbourhood of Ribersborg, whose proud rows of mid-C20th apartment blocks were put up predominantly between the 1930s and 1970s, and which are—thanks to the marvellous views out over the Öresund—still much in demand even to this day.

But who cares what you call it? Ribban has space for pretty much every sort of beach-related activity you could imagine, from dog-friendly micro-dunes through boules and basketball courts to the inevitable grilling facilities, the latter of which can sometimes be seen in use even in the dead of winter, as dedicated dads attempt to induct their kids into the great Swedish tradition of burning foodstuffs over an open flame and eating them while wearing seven or eight layers of clothing and wishing you were still at home.

As with most any beach worthy of the name, the big summer activities here are swimming and sunning oneself, and there are a series of piers (or bryggor) to make accessing the water more convenient. As a rule of thumb, the piers become more specialist as the numbers increase, but all this really means is that Brygge 10 is the nudist pier, and you should stay away unless you’re gonna get your own kit off.

Provided you’ve a tolerance for the stiff winds which are a feature of life at the choke-point of the Öresund, Ribban is also great for a promenade in any season, or indeed for a run (with or without dog), or for a ride on a bike or a skateboard or rollerblades, or whatever else it is that the kids have decided is the cool mode of transport this year. Like all Swedish towns and cities, Malmö seems to thin out a lot during the summer; in many cases, that’s because folk head out to the family stuga, but in Malmö, it’s more likely that you’ll find them down at Ribban. If you’re in town at the time, you should probably join them.

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