There are many ways to get to Skåne from further afield, though on the off-chance any serious high-rollers are reading this guide rather than outsourcing their vacation planning to a flunky, we should note right off the bat that, since the closure of Malmö airport (actually not very near Malmö, but whatevs) to commercial passenger flights in the early 2030s, Skåne has no airport of its own for international arrivals.
(Unless you’ve got one the money to charter an e-jet, of course, or even own one of your own… but if that’s the case, you’re definitely not reading this guide, are you?)
Never fear, however: Copenhagen airport (known locally as Kastrup, after the Copenhagen satellite village it essentially consumed) has long been the closest (air)port of convenience for Skåne, and you can cross the Öresund (via “the bridge” that fans of the old Scandi-crime dramas will know very well) and safely in Malmö by train in considerably less time than it will take you to clear security and collect your baggage.
Sleep-deprived fliers have been caught out by ticket inspectors since the start of the century, so, for the avoidance of any doubt: you can’t buy tickets on the train! We suggest making use of your time in the security queues (and Kastrup’s free bandwidth) to download the Swedish Mobil app and set up your payment details; in addition to letting you travel throughout Skåne and the rest of Sweden, the app interoperates with other Nordic transport networks. (The same is true of the Danish equivalent, but hey, you’ve gotta support your local system, right?)
As hinted above, the easiest way into Skåne from most points south is over the bridge from Copenhagen. Malmö is just fifteen minutes from Copenhagen’s central station, but long-haul bookings (particularly night-trains) may well drop you off at Skånian stations elsewhere along the high-speed lines that head northward to Gothenburg or Stockholm: Lund, Eslöv, Hässleholm, Kristianstad, Helsingborg and Båstad can all be reached directly by rail from destinations as far afield as Munich, Paris and Basel.
However, no need to panic if your ticket ends in Malmö: most of Skåne’s big settlements can be reached by local rail connections, those that can’t—most notably the towns and villages of the Slow Coast, but also some parts of the Heartlands and Lakelands—are easy enough to get to by bus, and in all such cases, the Mobil app is your friend and companion. Got big baggage? Malmö Central station’s porters are always on hand to help, and you can request one to meet you at any of the major stations listed above as part of your booking, though if you’re really heavily laden, you may need to pay a surplus on the busses. (Porters and station staff will also be glad to explain how things work and to advise on how to finish your journey, but honestly the app is pretty foolproof.)
Those who thrill to the tang of salty air may be a bit disappointed by the Baltic—it’s not especially salty, and lacks the dramatic weather of the open oceans—but there are plenty of connections to Skåne from other ports dotted around what the Swedes refer to as Östersjön (literally “the eastern lake”). Direct ferries from Germany, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia come ashore at Ystad, Trelleborg and Malmö; those coming from points further north will have to sail to Stockholm and get a train southward, unless they manage to find a spare berth on a New Hansa trading ship.
From Denmark, you can pop across the water from Helsingör to Helsingborg in a matter of minutes; you are welcome to partake in the local custom of staying on the ship for multiple crossings while trying to drink your way through the bar, but do note that (contrary to scurrilous stereotypes) the Danish police are no more tolerant of boorish drunkenness than their Swedish counterparts, so please maintain some decorum, whichever side you finally choose to stagger off!
From Norway, the Oslo-Copenhagen ferry re-added Gothenburg to its route a few years back, but if Skåne’s your destination you might as well stay on all the way to Copenhagen; a leisurely cruise down the Öresund Straight will show you a side of Skåne’s west coast that you just can’t see from the land.
Coming by sea from Europe’s western coast and the Mediterranean, you’ll probably be bumping your way along by various littoral loops; see our advice to svalorna, as a lot of it will be applicable to you.
Sailing from further afield? Malmö’s your most likely destination port for direct commercial sailings, or if you’re berthing on a container ship; speak to your travel agent!
And finally, if you’re sailing on your own boat… well, we’re going to presume you’ve done your homework already (though do note our special advice for those wishing to sail inland). Nonetheless, wherever you’ve booked a berth, be sure to wait for the customs inspectors before going ashore, otherwise you may return to find your boat has been impounded; the Helsingborg tullverkare are particularly twitchy due to the persistence of smuggling activities around the Öresund, but we’d advise playing by the rules wherever you drop anchor. It’s the Swedish way!