Now, look—this is a guide to Skåne for newcomers from all sorts of places, coming for all sorts of different reasons, whether pragmatic or pleasurable or some mix of the two. As such, we’ve tried to focus on giving you information you can use, facts that allow you to work out where you want to go. We’re definitely not trying to put historians out of business!
That said, well… there’s definitely some historical nuggets mixed in with the material we’ve provided. (The trouble with writers, you see, is that they’re basically people who found a way to monetise their desire to tell people things they’ve learned.)
There’s also a handful of articles in this guide (listed below) which—while we hope they have practical value!—are pretty much entirely oriented toward the more recent history of Skåne…. which, in our humble opinion, is not so well covered by the history boffins (who admittedly have a lot of centuries to cover, and also know very well that stuff about Vikings tends to sell best).